Here’s How I Experience Space Without Leaving Earth

Despite what some billionaires might want, we aren’t yet at the point where anyone can just book a ticket online to visit space, which means if you want to get a taste of the great beyond, you need to use some more mundane methods. Personally, these are some of the ways I’ve experienced outer space on Earth.


Virtual RealityThe Meta Quest 3 VR headset and controllers

By far, the best way I’ve found to get some sort of feeling that I’m in space is through the magic of virtual reality. You’ll find plenty of VR videos taken in space (for real) by astronauts, but the most barf-inducing experience I’ve personally had is a brilliant game called ADR1FT which was one of the first VR games I ever tried, and it still makes my stomach turn today.

That said, hanging over the Earth in my EVA suit and looking down is one heck of an experience!


Space Live Streams

Through the modern miracles of the internet and digital cameras, you can watch live streams from space right now at the click of a button. Here’s one from the International Space Station.

Of course, there are routine signal breaks, but while the stream is going (or you can just watch a recording) why not put one of these videos on your TV and you can pretend you’re on the ISS and it’s a window!


IMAX Documentaries

When I was a city-slicker I used to live near an IMAX theater, and from time to time they’d have a documentary that involved space. That stadium projection system did a great job of making you feel like you were there, and it’s less expensive than astronaut training.

If you missed your chance to see one of these docs in an actual IMAX, you can always buy their space documentaries on disc, like the IMAX Space Collection. If you have a projector at home, even better!

samsung the freestyle

SAMSUNG 30 – 100 The Freestyle FHD HDR Smart Portable Projector
$459 $598 Save

Samsung has a truly innovative portable projector with an awesome auto image setup feature.

Some, like Samsung’s The Freestyle family of projectors can be easily set up to project against your ceiling, so you can make your own IMAX at home. At least this way you can do it in bed and don’t have to pay ludicrous amounts for popcorn.


A Beginner’s Guide to Buying a Home Projector

I project there’s some movie magic in your future.


I Follow Astronauts on Social Media

Pixel art of a person holding a phone and getting a radio signal from a satellite in space.


Starlink’s Direct-to-Phone Satellite Tech Is a Bigger Deal Than You Think

ET isn’t the only one who gets to phone home.



Space Computer Simulations


We’ve been simulating space since 1963’s Spacewar! From goofy (yet educational) sims like Kerbal Space Program to more serious fare like Universe Sandbox, if you have a computer you have some way of experiencing an aspect of space with it. Persnonally, I like whizzing around in Elite Dangerous using my VR headset and a flight stick.


Only Playing Games With a Controller? You’re Missing Out

Variety is the spice of life.



Unistellar Odyssey Pro on its tripod


Unistellar Odyssey Pro Review: The iPhone Telescope For Space Nerds

First-time stargazers and long-time space enthusiasts can both flip out about this (pricey) connected telescope.

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